(Courriels de diversion: <officieuse@leasings-chaufferez.com> <insondable@refuterent-rengainant.com> <generaliserent@chercheront-volley.com> <ebrecher@relanceraient-fascisantes.com> <polycopieront@petioles-exproprie.com> <feriez@odyssee-devenions.com> <emiettent@envisagees-affrontons.com> <deterree@abonnees-bazar.com> <reference@entraidiez-decontenancee.com> <parachevera@frangipane-intelligents.com> )

le message que je vous forwarde ci-dessous est un extrait d'un bulletin
gratuit envoyé par une petite entreprise américaine spécialisée dans le
défragmenteur pour NT. On y trouve beaucoup de choses intéressantes, même au
sujet d'Unix. Version complète sur demande, l'abonnement est gratuit.
(hp41, LINUX, science-fiction, professeurs de technologie)
jdanield@club-internet.fr, jdanield@usa.net
-----Message d'origine-----
De : editor@executive.com <editor@executive.com>À : DKNT E-letter list <dknt-eletter@execsoft.com>Date : mardi 22 septembre 1998 19:55
Objet : FOCUS on Windows NT, Vol. 3, Issue 16

>eLetter published by Executive Software
>Volume 3, Issue 16
>This issue of FOCUS ON WINDOWS NT contains:
>A recent study of large-site Diskeeper(r) purchases has concluded that
>the performance gain available from Diskeeper is the key to
>cost-justifying volume purchases.
>Microsoft Announces Open License Agreements, plus NT-UNIX and (believe
>it or not) NT-Sun news.
>by Lance Jensen, Executive Software Technical Support Director
>In this article, Lance covers HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE.
>by Roger Capps, Executive Software Technical Advisor
>Roger covers the value of the Emergency Repair Disk, Dr. Watson error
>diagnosis, and reviews a great new book.
>More links to Neat Stuff and Ways to Do Things Faster!
>Windows NT Systems Magazine is now determining the best Windows NT
>system products for 1998.  If you feel that Diskeeper is one of those
>products, go to their web site and give it your vote!
>How to contact us, subscribe and unsubscribe, and information about the
>"Performance" Found to be Key to Diskeeper's Cost-Justification
>A recent study of large-site Diskeeper purchases has concluded that the
>performance gain available from Diskeeper is the key to cost-justifying
>volume purchases.
>The study found that the majority of system managers who had to
>cost-justify large Diskeeper purchases to their management did not have
>to do formal benchmark testing. They simply loaded trial versions of the
>product on several key machines and monitored them for performance
>gains.  The performance increases were so noticeable that this
>information was simply included with their purchase requisitions, and
>purchases were quickly approved.
>A number of system administrators even went as far as loading trail
>versions of the product on their managers' machines, so that the
>managers could see the performance differences for themselves.  This
>made cost-justification even easier - the individuals involved in
>approving the purchase had already witnessed for themselves the benefit
>Diskeeper provides.
>This study was done as part of a larger body of research investigating
>the overall impact of fragmentation on corporations.  Since
>fragmentation markedly slows performance, it also slows user
>productivity and has a demonstrably negative impact on company
>operations and profitability.   Specific findings will be released in
>the near future; however, the inferences of slow performance have
>already been, and certainly can continue to be successfully used in any
>cost-justification process.
>Additional cost-justification points included Diskeeper's network
>capabilities and its ability to defragment directories, making it the
>only product of its kind in the Windows NT market.   Also noted were
>Diskeeper's safety, reliability, and ease-of-use.
>An earlier part of this study found that in addition to the performance
>gain, Diskeeper's "Set It and Forget It"(r) feature was the major reason
>system administrators upgraded either from Diskeeper Lite or from
>Trialware versions.   The amount of time saved from not having to
>manually run Diskeeper on every machine was found to be a substantial
>benefit by these system administrators who are already proponents for
>the number one defragmentation technology available.
>If you need help cost-justifying your Diskeeper purchase, please contact
>your Executive Software sales representative, or send an e-mail to
>editor@executive.com, and I'll ensure someone gets right back you.>
>Maximize your Windows NT performance by putting Diskeeper on all your
>Windows NT systems.   We have substantial quantity discounts available
>to help you do so.  Contact your favorite reseller, or order direct.
>Contact information is at the end of this issue.
>Microsoft Announces Open License Agreements
>In the effort to make managing Windows NT even easier and more
>cost-effective, Microsoft has announced a new program called Open
>License Agreements. The Open License program is designed to provide a
>simple volume-licensing solution for small and medium-sized corporate,
>government, and educational organizations with 5 to 1,000+ PCs.  One
>acquires the minimum number of units at one of three price levels, and
>continues to receive that discount level for reorders over the next two
>years, and reorders can be for as few as one unit per product category
>(Application, System, or Server).  The program also allows for adding
>upgrades at reduced pricing.
>For more information on the program, go to:
>Microsoft and Compaq Make NT-UNIX Interoperability Pact
>Microsoft and Compaq have made a joint announcement to further NT-UNIX
>interoperability, in an effort to address the needs of customers who
>require a high degree of workability between both systems.
>Specifically, the pact addresses Windows NT and Compaq's Digital UNIX,
>and promises to bring the following:
>- Support for the Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) on Compaq's
>Digital UNIX, allowing better integration between the programming models
>of the two systems.
>- Security and Active Directory interoperability engineering
>- Transaction processing and data management interoperability services,
>allowing reliable execution of distributed heterogeneous transaction
>processing and database operations
>- Microsoft's Windows NT-based services for UNIX support for Compaq's
>Digital UNIX
>Some of these technologies will also be implemented on and will enhance
>operability between OpenVMS and the Tandem NonStop Kernel platforms with
>Windows NT.
>Microsoft and Compaq plan to provide more details on these initiatives
>as these products near market.
>Sun Integrates with Windows NT
>While involved with litigation with Microsoft over Java, Sun
>Microsystems has announced a new technology designed to integrate their
>Solaris servers into Windows NT networks.
>The new technology - code named "Project Cascade" - allows Solaris
>servers, of either the Intel or SPARC platforms, to provide native
>Windows NT network services such as naming, authentication, file, and
>print sharing.  Note that the servers are still running Solaris, the Sun
>variety of UNIX, and are running Windows NT services on top of it,
>through the facility of the new software.  According to Sun, no special
>Client software is needed, as clients can access the server as they
>would a regular Windows NT server, and it is transparent to users.
>The Project Cascade software, which is compatible with the network
>features in Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3, includes the Windows NT
>Directory Service, security and authentication, and the Windows NT File
>System (NTFS).
>Pricing and availability for this software will be announced in the
>first quarter of 1999.
>by Lance Jensen, Executive Software Technical Support Director
>In this article, we cover HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE.  This hive
>contains information about your hardware, including cards in expansion
>slots, connections through ports, and the related interrupts.  This data
>is determined and stored on boot-up, so it is not saved in any files.


>You are receiving FOCUS ON WINDOWS NT because you chose the option to do
>so when you registered on our Web site.
>On the World Wide Web, point your browser to:
>and fill out our subscription form.
>You can also subscribe through e-mail.  Send an e-mail message to
>majordomo@execsoft.com (PLEASE DO NOT SEND TO ANY OTHER ADDRESS).  Leave>the subject line blank.  In the body of the message, put this command
>exactly as shown:
>subscribe dknt-eletter
>Send an e-mail message to majordomo@execsoft.com (PLEASE DO NOT SEND TO>ANY OTHER ADDRESS).  Leave the subject line blank.  In the body of the
>message, put this command exactly as shown:
>unsubscribe dknt-eletter <your e-mail address>
>Place your e-mail address after the command.
>IMPORTANT:  Please ensure you are unsubscribing with the address you
>originally subscribed with.  Otherwise our list server will be unable to
>locate your address and remove it from the list.
>Send an e-mail message to majordomo@execsoft.com (PLEASE DO NOT SEND TO>ANY OTHER ADDRESS).  Leave the subject line blank.  In the body of the
>message, put this command exactly as shown, replacing the words in the
>brackets with your old e-mail address:
>unsubscribe dknt-eletter <your old e-mail address>
>You can then subscribe under your new address, using either of the
>subscription methods described under TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE LIST above.
>On the World Wide Web, point your browser to:
>All of our back issues are posted at this site.  You can read them
>online, or download as many as you like.
>If you don't have Web access or have trouble getting the issues you
>want, please send an e-mail message, containing which issues you would
>like, to editor@executive.com>
>FOCUS ON WINDOWS NT is electronically published bi-weekly by Executive
>Software International.
>Editor:  Bruce Boyers
>editor@executive.com>Please contact me with questions or comments about the eLetter.
>Technical Editor:  Lance Jensen (dknt_support@executive.com)>
>Over the last two years, over 1,000,000 e-Letter issues have been
>distributed to some of the best technical people throughout the world.
>The success of this e-Letter is based in large part to the quality of
>technical communication and recommendations we have sought to provide.
>Part of maintaining that quality is that if a recommendation requires
>correction we immediately do so. Should there ever be the need to do so
>now or in the future, it will be corrected and provided it in the next
>or subsequent editions.
>The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and the use of this
>For reprint permission for any of the articles in the eLetter, please
>contact Jobee Knight, Director of Public Relations, at:
>e-mail:  dirpr@executive.com>Phone:  1-800-829-6468
>(C) 1998 Executive Software International, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
>Executive Software, Diskeeper, and "Set It and Forget It" are trademarks
>owned by Executive Software.  Microsoft and Windows NT and BackOffice
>are trademarks owned by Microsoft Corporation. OpenVMS is a trademark
>owned by Digital Equipment Corporation.  All other trademarks are
>property of their respective owners.

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