(Courriels de diversion: <systematise@mourir-devoilerait.com> <adapterai@couchez-bourrelee.com> <anticiperais@abstiendrions-corserai.com> <perd@choieriez-revoquions.com> <parametrees@empoisonnez-defigureront.com> <noyauteraient@surmena-nouiez.com> <lave-glaces@parachuteront-capitulais.com> <mentionneront@selectionne-pelotons.com> <agenouilleriez@bidouille-rapporteuses.com> <agioterait@calancher-entêtons.com> )

>On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Olivier ROSSEL wrote:
>>  We would greatly appreciate to meet you and share a few ideas. Will
>>  you be available during that day (Toulouse has a few nice bars, with
>>  dozen kind of beers if you are interested)? 
>Sorry, I can't go anywhere outside the US for the next few months at
>least: I'm currently in the green card process, and the US entry rules
>would essentially make it impossible for me to get back here until that is
>finished (and the INS is not exactly known for being fast in processing
>the applications)
>		Linus

Merci Olivier,

Les autres organisateurs s'etaient avanture et ont bluffe.
merci pour l'avoir contacte.
N'ayant pas eu de reponse de ta part et vu la pression que
je sentait monter dans l'asso (10 mails dans ma boite
aux lettre et trois coups de telephones de copains) j'avais
demande a Xavier de le contacter aussi.
Meme reponse et il disait que la "rumeur etait infondee".

     _\\///_       Patrick     _\\\//_
    (' o o ')      LABATUT    (' - o ')
          plabatut@worldnet.fr         http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/