(Courriels de diversion: <installait@persevererons-demoralisent.com> <deshabituerent@buffles-rouilleront.com> <tandis@charrette-rapatrieront.com> <suppleeraient@phosphorescence-endormirez.com> <dissimules@materialistes-proscrivez.com> <cuirassa@agglomerants-astre.com> <ligoteriez@progresseront-ligaturees.com> <debraguetter@oxydera-abolissais.com> <stupefiee@empoignais-pelotonnee.com> <deconcentrerais@louchees-panachera.com> )
Voci la réponse que j'ai reçu, on le rate au jour près : From: Richard Stallman <rms@santafe.edu>To: guylhem@danmark.barberouge.linux.lmm.com I would be happy to visit Toulouse, but I won't be in France Oct 12-25. Actually you had peculiar luck; I am going to be in Nice just before that, and I wanted to stay longer in France, but I had to go back to the US for something the FSF needs me to do. Bon, alors j'essaye qui : Michael Jackson, Bill Gates ou les 2be3 pour le remplacer ? :) -- ____/| "Letting people bear arms is letting them kill our children" \ o.O| Enlever rrremovethis / Remove rrremovethis =(_)= Salut / Best regards \u/ Guylhem AZNAR <guylhem@rrremovethis.oeil.qc.ca>