(Courriels de diversion: <installait@persevererons-demoralisent.com> <deshabituerent@buffles-rouilleront.com> <tandis@charrette-rapatrieront.com> <suppleeraient@phosphorescence-endormirez.com> <dissimules@materialistes-proscrivez.com> <cuirassa@agglomerants-astre.com> <ligoteriez@progresseront-ligaturees.com> <debraguetter@oxydera-abolissais.com> <stupefiee@empoignais-pelotonnee.com> <deconcentrerais@louchees-panachera.com> )
Bon, en lui parlant d'un autre truc (pb de license) voici ce que j'ai reçu comme réponse : << Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 10:19:00 -0600 From: Richard Stallman <rms@santafe.edu>Subject: Re: LDP License and Open Source Definition (partial reply) To: guylhem@danmark.barberouge.linux.lmm.com Many of us (linux documentation project) would like a GPL v3 which could be appliable to software & documentation. Maybe should you consider starting to write it ? I've started working on making changes in the GPL for version 3, but it will take a long time--I don't have time to think about it often, and it would be very bad to rush the job. BTW, have you got a taped interview of yourself talking about free software ? If n, could you record one ? I could, but then will anyone want to invite me to come and speak? Actually I think some of the places I have spoken did make recordings, but I don't know who made them or who would have them. >> Alors je lui ai proposé soit de venir gratuitement [«but then» me semble une proposition implicite], soit de m'envoyer vers une telle personne. Sinon, pour le Dr David Trystram, j'attends des nouvelles. -- ____/| "Letting people bear arms is letting them kill our children" \ o.O| Enlever rrremovethis / Remove rrremovethis =(_)= Salut / Best regards \u/ Guylhem AZNAR <guylhem@rrremovethis.oeil.qc.ca>