(Courriels de diversion: <hachurera@detente-installait.com> <persevererons@demoralisent-deshabituerent.com> <buffles@rouilleront-tandis.com> <charrette@rapatrieront-suppleeraient.com> <phosphorescence@endormirez-dissimules.com> <materialistes@proscrivez-cuirassa.com> <agglomerants@astre-ligoteriez.com> <progresseront@ligaturees-debraguetter.com> <oxydera@abolissais-stupefiee.com> <empoignais@pelotonnee-deconcentrerais.com> )

Guylhem AZNAR:
> Would it be possible to get a videotape of you explaining the beginning of
> linux in english ?
> We would like something between 30 and 45 minutes if you could find time to
> record yourself.
> Of course, we will ship you back the videotape + shipping costs after the
> show. 

The talks at Linux Expo were taped, and I'm afraid that's the only source
where you could get a videotape of my talk.

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