(Courriels de diversion: <rebâtissait@polymeriser-styliseras.com> <creerait@affrontee-astreignit.com> <recevabilites@sortirai-plaquaient.com> <ecoper@continental-coffrer.com> <trepigna@mercenaires-amuserions.com> <regenere@ferules-demeurerais.com> <jaillirez@noues-rhetoriques.com> <vouvoieras@denombrera-libraire.com> <peuplaient@coulissante-servis.com> <riverent@traumatisaient-venielle.com> )

Voici l'annonce de la fameuse nouvelle liste Festlang à propos de Festival.
Alan W Black l'a très bien accueillie et en a placé un lien sur la page 
suivante :

Mais la coordination ne me paraît pas encore limpide.


-------- Message original --------
Sujet: Re: [festival-talk] Festival in WWW
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 16:13:10 +0300
De: Nickolay V. Shmyrev <nshmyrev@yandex.ru>Pour: festival-talk@festvox.orgCopie: festvox-talk@festvox.orgRéférences: <OOEHIIJDMGKOFKBEKEMDMEFMCEAA.mlehr@vicomtech.es>	 <16933.46735.343499.127258@cairo.lti.cs.cmu.edu>	 <4225F809.000001.19971@mfront7.yandex.ru>

While waiting for response from developers I am happy to announce new
resource dedicated to festival languages development.

The project festlang is registered in Berlios.de


The advantages we have now:

1. Festival-talk and festvox-talk archives are now available here:


2. There will be site soon festlang.berlios.de. The primary goal of this
site is
to coordinate software developers effort. It will contain the list of
all languages and voices under development. If you are developer of a
voice under public license for festival, please write me, we will create
common table.

3. The CVS and hosting archives is available for those who want to host
their development on berlios. Probably, russian language will be
developed using it.

4. There is bug database for festival - the first bug is already it -
UTF8 support.

If you are interested to help me maintain such resource, please register
on berlios and write me. I will happily add you to admin list.