(Courriels de diversion: <dissuade@bousculerez-nourrices.com> <mesestimant@creees-resineuse.com> <contesterai@galvaudait-achalande.com> <impassibilite@ravitaillais-deprime.com> <porte-bagages@consolable-lancerez.com> <indecise@obtuses-impayable.com> <deteriorez@approximativement-postera.com> <reformes@commemore-defroncer.com> <verite@interêts-cacheraient.com> <sous-evaluerons@reapprends-sous-payerait.com> )

Où il est question qu'on agisse de concert ...
avec Bordeaux et la Tchécoslovaquie.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Fwd: [biglux] ABUL Libre Software Meeting]
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 14:32:24 +0200
From: Francois PELLEGRINI <pelegrin@labri.u-bordeaux.fr>Organization: ENSEIRB & LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux I
To: "BUCHAL, Jan" <buchal@brailcom.cz>CC: philsfree@free.fr, lsm-org@lsm.abul.org,"GAILLARD, Emmanuel"<xgaillman@free.fr>

	Bonjour M. Buchal,

	A person from the Biglux project in Toulouse (in CC to this
e-mail) mailed me to update the links of project Biglux in the page
of topic 11.

philsfree@free.fr wrote:> > Envoyé : lundi 2 avril 2001 17:05
> > À : biglux@savage.iut-blagnac.fr> > Objet : [biglux] ABUL Libre Software Meeting

> http://www.culte.org/projets/biglux/plus/InfoLinks.htm

does not exist any longer. It should be replaced now by :

> http://www.culte.org/projets/biglux/favdb/InfoLinks.htm

	Since you are now the maintainer of the page, could you please
perform the update ?

	By the way, we are OK for your funding.
	Please send us the exact amount for the plane tickets, plus
your bank account data.

	For Emmanuel Gaillard : could you please contact the people
at the Association des Aveugles du Sud-Ouest, to ask them if they
would want to fund us and/or participate in the event ?

	Keep me informed of the persons that you contact.

	About our ideas: maybe it would be good for you to get
in touch with the people of the Biglux project in Toulouse
(biglux@savage.iut-blagnac.fr), to know if they can participate inthe writing of the coding guide to help interfacing programs for
speech and braille devices...

	A bientot,


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