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Après quelques échanges de mails sur la liste ViaVoice,
j'ai obtenu (de source fiable) les renseignements suivants :
1- Mandrake 7.2 Power Pack Deluxe contient le paquetage IBM du run-time 
   ViaVoice en français ! C'est plus que ce dont nous avons besoin
   puisque ce paquetage contient non seulement les aspects
   Text-To-Speech (Outloud) qui intéresse BigLux
   mais aussi les fonctionnalités (ASR) de reconnaissance de la parole.
2- ce paquetage n'est pas libre et nécessite pour chaque utilisateur :
   - soit qu'il achète Mandrake 7.2 Power Pack Deluxe,
   - soit qu'il trouve un autre distributeur licencié par IBM pour la 
     diffusion de ce paquetage (pour le moment il ne semble pas que
     cette alternative existe)

La bonne nouvelle c'est que donc, techniquement, des développements
sous Linux de synthèse vocale française utilisant Viavoice sont
pour un cout raisonnable.

Je suis bien tenté d'essayer ...


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [viavoice] Re: Using ViaVoice TTS SDK for Linux with
nonenglishlanguages ?
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 15:39:34 -0500
From: "Eric Hansen" <ehansen@us.ibm.com>Reply-To: "viavoice" <viavoice@laser.sparklist.com>To: "viavoice" <viavoice@laser.sparklist.com>
You could develop an application using the ViaVoice TTS SDK for Linux
and the ViaVoice TTS French Runtime which is part of the ViaVoice
Dictation for Linux (French) product included  Mandrake 7.2 Power Pack
Deluxe. You could then require users of your application to purchase 
the Mandrake 7.2 Power Pack Deluxe and install the ViaVoice Dictation 
for Linux (French) product included in that package to be used as the
runtime for your application.

But you may not redistribute a ViaVoice TTS runtime without purchasing 
a license agreement.

Regards, Eric

<philsfree@free.fr> wrote on 3/21/2001:
>Dean Oakes a écrit :
>> Nicolas,
>> >The VIavoice toolkit in French for Linux has been licensed by
>> >mandrakesoft and is released with Mandrake 7.2
>> Not a toolkit. We license the Dictation application and the ASR/TTS
>> runtimes to Mandrake in French, US English, and German. Not that the
>> SDK can't be used with those engines, but we didn't license a French
>> or German toolkit(or SDK) to Mandrake.
>> DeanO
>So technically, you seem to write that we could use the english
>ViaVoice SDK for Linux with the french runtime kit delivered with
>Mandrake 7.2. Right?
>Thus may we develop a GPL'd solution for french speaking blind
>people such as a french version of Emacspeak that its author say to
>be the "first zero cost Internet access solution for blind and
>visually impaired users" ?
>If you see any technical or legal restriction in such a development
>or its free distribution, please let me know it.
>Best regards.

For information about the IBM ViaVoice SDKs and Run Time Kits for Linux
visit: http://www.ibm.com/software/speech/dev/sdk_linux.html To view the
archive of submissions visit: http://viavoice.sparklist.com 
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