[Linux-31] Mandriva Pulse2 gets a new release, moves on to the next level

jdd jdanield at free.fr
Ven 8 Fév 20:03:31 CET 2013

nouvelle version de Mandriva

Le 08/02/2013 18:25, noreply at mandriva.com a écrit :
> Mandriva Pulse2 gets a new release, moves on to the next level
> Paris, the 8th of February 2013. Mandriva S.A. the leading European
> software vendor announces the immediate release ofits new version
> of Pulse2  <https://www.mandriva.com/en/products-services/pulse2/>,
> the market leader in open source I.T. infrastructure management
> platforms. Building on a solid foundation and several years of
> successful deployments Mandriva Pulse2 ships with many improvements
> and several new features. Among them the integration with GLPI and
> the use of FusionInventory as its default inventory engine bring
> numerous enhancements and enable the use of Pulse2 inside
> organizations that were previously unable to expand their I.T.
> management capabilities despite growing needs of compliance and
> costs reduction.
> Mandriva Pulse2 also comes with more intuitive interfaces,
> dashboards, and a completely revised package management system.
> With these added capabilities Mandriva is looking to greatly expand
> the reach of its infrastructure management solution. “Pulse2 is
> quickly becoming the first choice for customers who have to deal
> with existing enterprise solutions on one side and costs
> constraints on the other” says Stéphane Pointu, Pulse2 cluster
> manager at Mandriva.
> The modular architecture of Pulse2, allowing a full integration
> with GLPI for instance, and its ease of use and deployment have
> made Pulse2 a rather unique solution bridging the gap between
> solutions focusing on a reduced segment of the I.T. management
> spectrum and high-end solutions that are priced and adapted for
> very specific and large customers. Mandriva Pulse2 works perfectly
> on several sites at the same time as well as on a single site only.
> It manages completely heterogenous infrastructures sporting
> different sever and desktop platforms.
> You can now try Mandriva Pulse2 here
> <https://www.mandriva.com/en/products-services/pulse2/evaluation/>
> or contact our sales team directly :
> sales at mandriva.com +33 (0)1 76 64 16 60 (Paris Time)


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