[Linux-31] pb backup rsync

Pti-Jean jm.mongt at gmail.com
Sam 18 Oct 19:02:07 CEST 2014

Le 18/10/2014 12:25, jpcas a écrit :
> --delete-excluded
> In addition to deleting the files on the receiving side that  are  not
> on  the sending  side,  this tells rsync to also delete any files on the
> receiving side that are excluded (see --exclude).  See the FILTER RULES
> section for a  way  to make  individual  exclusions  behave this way on
> the receiver, and for a way to protect files from --delete-excluded.
> See --delete (which is implied) for more details on file-deletion.
> Par contre je ne sais pas si ça marche avec "--filter" ;-\

Effectivement --delete-excluded est l'option qui va bien!!!

Chalet à vendre Vosges Le Menil 88 Cadre très joli au bord d'un étang:

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