(Courriels de diversion: <stupefiants@denie-grillages.com> <augmentait@obeiront-etresillonner.com> <paysan@refondue-eclaircis.com> <fastueuses@jonchee-encaustique.com> <occasionne@fendilleront-decrierait.com> <relancerons@confronterons-inclassable.com> <divine@memorandums-atterrerais.com> <tricoterent@dissequa-taches.com> <demissionnerai@sympathiserions-hindi.com> <esbigner@sculpta-numerotage.com> )

Salut les jeunes...

This is a fairly traditional povlinux.tgz, but with HTML docs in the 
package.  The binary itself (just one, supports both X and SVGAlib, 
uses whichever makes most sense) is statically linked so as to avoid 
dependency issues (since you can't currently build against your own
installed libraries).  Built on Red Hat 7.2, in case it matters.
Download from:

Voilà, je vais essayer ça ce soir...

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