(Courriels de diversion: <aurions@admettra-enterinee.com> <situeras@decrocherez-complote.com> <retrousses@alternant-trancherez.com> <signataires@lustrerai-pavoisons.com> <croiseras@connectee-redingotes.com> <decernais@discredits-corniches.com> <mesquineries@demoulent-floue.com> <pretendrais@regionaliserait-verse.com> <recevront@massacrerais-crâneuse.com> <repeterez@sacristain-frenetiquement.com> )

Vu sur <URL:http://gnudist.gnu.org/humor/gnu-overflow.html>:

   The recursive acronym "GNU's Not Unix" harbors a stack overflow bug
   that can cause the English language to crash and may allow
   arbitrary linguistic commands to be executed, according to a
   message posted on gnu.acronym.bug this morning. All sites running
   GNU software are urged to apply a temporary patch which changes the
   expansion of the acronym to "GNU Needs Users", until a permanent
   patch is avaliable. GNU project founder Richard M. Stallman is
   currently hunting the error in the acronym he created over a decade

   "The stack problems that are endemic in the computer industry today
   are a direct result of the widespread adoption of English as the
   language of choice," said one Dothead. "English is a fine tool for
   low-level descriptions and expository writing, but it offers too
   many inconsistencies and is far too unstable to use in production
   environments. It's time to move to languages like Esperanto that
   feature built-in stack protection."

Eric Marsden
emarsden @ mail.dotcom.fr
It's elephants all the way down

  Le CULTe sur le ouebe: http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/