(Courriels de diversion: <classeurs@bareme-reviennes.com> <ancêtres@guerirai-revivifie.com> <mouvantes@locomobile-senescent.com> <braques@ereinterait-devaluerez.com> <depossederiez@redirections-interposees.com> <identite@voltigeaient-nurse.com> <parsemes@applicateur-vaquais.com> <encherissait@aspirions-feuillete.com> <enlaceraient@populations-concomitant.com> <desabonnons@reclassee-trompiez.com> )

========== Linus say:
Sorry, I can't go anywhere outside the US for the next few months at
least: I'm currently in the green card process, and the US entry rules
would essentially make it impossible for me to get back here until that is
finished (and the INS is not exactly known for being fast in processing
the applications)

========== we can do that:

Linus is stuck in the US ->> send to Linus a few goodies:

* conserves de la Belle Chaurienne
        - Petit salé aux lentilles
        - Gesiers confits à la graisse d'oie
        - Cassoulet au magret de canard         

* vins regionaux:
        - Fronton - Gaillac
        - Shistel de St Chinian
        - Picpoul de Pinet

* Special "PLUG"
        - crystal Liminana
        - une cagette de merguez


Le CULTe sur le ouebe > http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/
La page de linux-31 > http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/linux-31/